Sunday Service: 9:30am

“In His Image” – October Focus

Addictions, (whether to drugs, alcohol, prescription drugs, smoking, gambling, compulsive spending, hoarding, or other addictions), present serious challenges to the person and all those who support her or him. An addiction is not something to simply “get over”. An addiction is a...
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“In His Image” – Pastor’s Epistle

I remember the moment my first baby was born. As they held that little body up to us and we looked, in awe, at the life that was entrusted to our care… I turned to my husband and said, he’s making “the Ream-look!” My husband has this way of scrunching his eyebrows and holding his...
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Year of Jubilee

In Numbers 36:4, we see that on the Day of Atonement, the blowing of a ram’s horn would indicate the start of the year of Jubilee. The Israelites would dedicate this year as a year of rest to God, acknowledgingthat God would provide for their needs. The Year of Jubilee, which...
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Pastor’s Epistle – You Are Invited!

I have a confession. I just love people! I love getting to know people. I love seeing people mingle. I love watching people. I love hearing voices chattering and people laughing. I love spending time with people and around people. This brings me to my confession: I love spending...
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